Saturday, July 21, 2012

Two Cribs

Two boys eight months apart. I wanted to avoid two cribs. But when I wrote this post back in 2010,   after five years of infertility, my house now had two cribs. How had we gone from 0 to 2 in eight months?

I'm not sure why I was so dead-set against the idea of having two cribs. I just thought they would take up so much room and that we could get Isaac in a "big boy bed" by the time Elijah was ready to move into a crib. John often says to me, "Why do you make things harder on yourself?" He's right. Putting Isaac in a toddler bed, right now, would just be something else to deal with. And I don't have the energy to deal with something else.

So for $65, I purchased a crib, dresser, and mattress from Craig's List. Elijah looked so happy in his "newwww bed" as Isaac calls it last night. And even though we had to take the rocker out, there is still enough room for them to do some heavy-duty playing in the room. The crib, unbeknownst to me, is actually the exact same style crib that Clay and Brittney gave us when Isaac joined our family -- just a shade lighter.

I also snuck into my neighbor Brittny's yard while she is out of town (with her permission of course) and sat on the trampoline while my two little boys ran circles and wrestled around me. I had that moment, while we were playing, of complete awe that my life is where it is today. Me. On a trampoline. With my two sons giggling and laughing and jumping and running.

Life is good.

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