Saturday, September 15, 2012

OK to Wake Owl!

I don't spend money. Barely ever. If I do, I buy things used or on major discount. I talk myself out of nearly every purchase I might make.

But I splurged on this owl (pictured above.) Not only did I buy it new, but I bought two of them. One for each boy.

You go Wendi! Fifty bucks in one spot. That's huge for me.

And I'd do it again in a heartbeat.

I must strongly, completely, passionately recommend this product. I did a bunch of research before I bought this owl. It fit all my requirements for an "alarm clock" for my boys.

So how does it work

Ok to wake! owl's has two face colors: green and yellow. It is green if it is time to get up. It is yellow if it is not time to get up.

So, I (the parent), set the owl. I can put a night time setting and a nap time setting. Then I tell the boys, "You can't wake up until your owl turns green."

At any point during their nap or night time, they can press the owl's belly to find out if it is time yet. Owl has four phrases that he uses to instruct them as to whether it is time to get up, they should go back to sleep, or to wait "just a few more minutes" to get up. He then has different classical music he plays for a time that you set to comfort the child.

The owl will turn green automatically but not make any noise when it is time to get up. This way, he doesn't work like an alarm. I surely don't want them getting woken up any early then their body is telling them to. But I sure do like that if they get up earlier than I would like, the owl will tell them to go back to sleep or to wait until it is time.

Ok to wake! owl's life is run by 3 AA-type batteries (which are included.) He will run for approximately 3 months under normal use and conditions on those batteries. And there are setting for volume, brightness and auto-off duration.

My only complaint is that the belly button is a little hard to press. However, both my boys can do it and figured it out with a little practice. I do think though that this is designed for children who are at least two years old. They have to be able to press the button and understand the concept. My boys were over three when we started it.

LOVE this product. FANTASTIC! We know get to sleep until 7am every morning. And at nap time, I will set it for 90 minutes and know that I get at least that long to have a little "me" time. The boys feel more in control of their fate, knowing that eventually the owl will turn gree.

And, it is mighty cute when they come out of bed and say, "Mommy!!!! My owl turned greeeeennnn. It's time to wake up now!"

P.S. Isaac has also been using the owl to take him to the bathroom in the evening. His lit face helps provide a bit of a flashlight, and he isn't as afraid of the dark with owl by his side. Another bonus!

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