Saturday, October 13, 2012

Beginner's Bible IPAD Review

When I left our Kindle on a train in Turkey and it was stolen, JB and I decided to not get another Kindle and instead "upgrade" to an IPAD.
I had no idea what an IPAD was after living in Turkey for the last two years and living in nearly complete segregation from the upgrades occurring in our society, technologically speaking. But after a few months with the IPAD, I am getting the hang of it quite nicely I doeth thinketh.
I recently received an offer to view The Beginner's Bible App for my IPAD. My review had six free Bible stories (which included six free activities as well -- one for each story.) I loaded the App. (no small feat in and of itself for a novice like me) and sat down with my two little boys: three and four years old. I was sold in a matter of minutes, and by the end of the first day I had actually purchased the next six stories.
The boys .... loved it. Thought it was fantastic. And their mom -- equally happy. I think I speak for all parents when I say, we love things that are educating our children, especially their spirit, and entertaining them at the same time.
Here is the introduction page where you have a choice to read each story or just play the activities.
Here is the next screen. The boys can pick which story they want to read.
I love that the stories are read out loud while the word being read changes color. This way they can see and hear the words at the same time. In addition,t he characters in the pictures (at right) do fun things when you touch them.
I'm not a App.professional, but let me tell you that it isn't hard to judge success when you have two little boys begging to read the Bible again. I cannot recommend this enough. (And, buying the next 6 chapters was only $1.99 -- nothing that breaks the bank.)
Click here for more information about how you can add this to your App. library today.

P.S. If you haven’t downloaded it yet, you can do so now for free here.

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