Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monday K.I.S.S.

Ever heard the expression K.I.S.S?

K.I.S.S. = Keep It Simple, Stupid.

I am hoping to do a new installment on my blog. In addition to "Friday Funnies" and "Wee-Wind Wednesdays", I am planning on doing a "Monday K.I.S.S."

Keep It Simple, Stupid!

In other words, make your life easy. This means just what it implies. Don't complicate your life. Don't make it harder on yourself than it needs to be. If there is a way to make things easier: do it!

Today's Mom K.I.S.S.: Make it multiple!

We have lived in three different homes since having children (Eglin, Turkey, and the Azores.) I have made sure to have at least two diaper changing stations in each of my homes. In this home, I actually have three right now because it is so stinkin' big.

Even in a small house, make sure you have a diaper changing station available in easy locations. This is especially important if you have multiple children and one might be sleeping in a location where the changing table is while another is awake.

Don't worry about how it looks. You don't want to have to travel across the house for changing or risk waking another child. Put a station where you need it.

Keep mandatory items in both locations. Each of my stations have wipes, diaper cream, diapers, burp cloths, and changes of clothes.

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